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39 thoughts on “PENYEBARAN BUKU SKETSA Terinspirasi oleh STIKER

  1. I was afraid when we got two videos last week that we'd have a shorter one this week πŸ™

    But I loved seeing the drawing and inspiration. Glad you found a fun use for the stickers!

  2. Aww, Baylee, don't feel bad about that cute lacey tablecloth you did! There are mushrooms that have white areas on them that look a lot like what you wound up with, so it looked sort of like it was that kind of a mushroom and that white area wound up being the tablecloth. It totally looks intentional and it wound up looking good! I love them both and I love where the inspiration came from and how you put your own spin on it! ❀

  3. Both of these look so beautiful! I really love how you draw lips; it just takes them to this really pin-up adorable look. You could always try and coat the page in modpodge! I know that Moriah Elizabeth does that in her sketches, but those are mainly with colored pencil. I don't know if it would interfere with the alcohol markers.

  4. Love both of the artworks. The mushroom one I think is really good! The leg up I really like and the vase of flowers is cute. Think they both deserve to be stickers or prints. ^^

  5. I was in Walmart today and they have the cutest bunny items, paired with gingham items for spring. Tea towels, oven mitts, etc. I also got the prettiest spatula, it is light blue with pussy willows printed on it. There were also pink ones with flowers!

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