Cara Membuat Stiker dengan Silhouette Cameo 4 | Tutorial Stiker Etsy | Stiker DIY | Cetak & Potong

Cara Membuat Stiker dengan Silhouette Cameo 4 | Tutorial Stiker Etsy | Stiker DIY | Cetak & Potong

Ikuti dan pelajari cara kami membuat stiker di Silhouette Cameo 4. Ada banyak cara untuk melakukan ini, tetapi ini adalah metode pilihan kami! Daftar bahan untuk proyek ini dapat ditemukan di sini: Pengaturan pemotongan dapat ditemukan di sini: Dapatkan layanan tinta instan HP gratis selama satu bulan di sini: Lihat desain perjalanan dan taman nasional kami yang tersedia di toko kami di Kirim pertanyaan, saran, atau ide proyek dalam obrolan di bawah! Terima kasih telah menonton. #FreestyleTravelShop .


Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774

20 thoughts on “Cara Membuat Stiker dengan Silhouette Cameo 4 | Tutorial Stiker Etsy | Stiker DIY | Cetak & Potong

  1. Hi I have a question about using the slice! When you use it does it kind of appear in the front that there is a line/cut but it's not actually cut?? I bought one after watching this and I feel like it looks like I cut through but then again i'm not sure if it's just an indent or actually cut through lol.

  2. This is so helpful. I like the laminating part and had to order the laminating film even though I have the laminating paper…can I cut laminating paper the size of the paper within the registration mark, laminate and still get the same result? I am so excited to use…Great video

  3. Okay I’m new to making stickers and the Oraguard 215 Overlaminate you buy is there any other brand you suggested? Oraguard wants me to make an account to buy products. And I don’t have a Business so I can’t complete the form they are asking. If you have any suggestions that would be much appreciated, thank you.

  4. To be clear… the silhouette printed this right? It didn't show that part … its implied (went from the program, then next shot was a printed page (time 4.31)) but the silhouette printed that sheet before it was cut right?

  5. I received a SC4 for the Holidays and I'm so excited to start making my designs into stickers!! You've made it incredibly easy to follow and understand. I'm even MORE excited now!! Thank you!!

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