Cara membuat stiker resin menggunakan Cricut | Serius Kreatif

Silakan gunakan resin dengan aman. Setiap pertanyaan kesehatan dan keselamatan harus ditanyakan langsung ke perusahaan resin yang Anda gunakan. Baca lembar data keamanan produk Anda sebelum menggunakan, selalu kenakan APD- sarung tangan nitril, respirator dan kacamata atau respirator wajah penuh. Lakukan di tempat terbuka dan berventilasi – terpisah dari ruang tamu Anda. Pakaian lengan panjang juga disarankan. Silakan lakukan penelitian Anda sendiri dalam hal menjaga kesehatan Anda saat menggunakan resin.
vinil holografik
Mesin Cricut dan Vinyl
Tautan di bawah ini adalah tautan afiliasi. Ini berarti saya mendapat komisi kecil jika Anda menggunakan tautan tersebut. Saya hanya memiliki afiliasi dengan merek yang benar-benar saya cintai dan percayai. Gunakan kode: “MINIATURESWEETHK” untuk diskon 5%! Berikut adalah produk yang saya gunakan dari miniatur sweet:
Pigmen resin:
Pigmen Bunglon:
Cetakan Hati Bengkak:
cetakan rongga bulat:
Sinar UV:
Cetakan Dupa Pemegang:
Lembar warna-warni:
Suara Epidemi
Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774
Nice tutorial
This really helped me a lot! Thank you! Can u do next alternatives for a minc foil machine?
Guess you finally caved in and made this video lol
I appreciate that you included the copyright stuff!
Thank you, Thank you. One tutorial that was easy.
Looks so simple!! 👏👏
Great video! I feel like I learned a lot and I don’t even have a cricut lol! Do you need to pay for any subscriptions to use the cricut software?
Great tutorial. Thanks!
Thank you, very informative.
Nice!! When you place the stickers in your resin pieces, do you take them off the backing?
I love how I was thinking of starting to do this and you make a great video explaining how to do it lol Love your videos, thank you for this tutorial!
If you haven’t already, could you explain making laser foils for resin inserts please?
My sister just gave me a top of the line Cricut machine. At this point, it's all Greek to me, so to speak. With two deaths in the family in a month's time… I hope you do more videos using a Cricut machine. My brain…isn't. For now. But as soon as I can think again, I want to learn what my machine can do. Thank you so much for this video!
Thanks so much! I'm just getting ready to do this and was wondering about the best settings.
I’m really glad I found your channel again. I’ve got a Cricut Joy that I’ve been afraid to start using for some reason. I think I’ve just got brain block and am afraid to start. But this is exactly what I want to use it for.
Where do you sell your items?
Will you please do more cricut videos?
Hey can you use the Cricut design space on a iPad? I don’t have a laptop
Wow that was so incredibly helpful! Now I'm not so scared of using my machine lol
can you put resin on top of the stickers
This was so helpful thank you ❤ I am still very much learning how to use my Explore air 2… always wanted to make my own stickers 🤩🤩