Stiker bunga ditekan!

Stiker bunga ditekan!

Halo semuanya dan selamat datang di The Creative Cove.
Saya sangat senang Anda bisa bergabung dengan saya hari ini. Saya bersenang-senang bermain dengan bunga yang ditekan … lagi. Saya hanya suka memasukkan keindahan kecil ini ke dalam jurnal dan dedikasi rumah saya sebanyak mungkin. Mengumpulkannya dan menekannya adalah alasan bagus bagiku untuk keluar. Saya harap teknik ini memberi Anda beberapa ide dan inspirasi dalam pekerjaan Anda sendiri.
Jika Anda menyukai video ini, silakan tekan tombol suka dan berlangganan untuk lebih banyak video saya.
Selamat berkreasi!

Anda mungkin juga menyukai


Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774

26 thoughts on “Stiker bunga ditekan!

  1. Oh gosh! What a great idea! I just recently got into plants and gardening and I love the idea of preserving some leaves like this. I’ll look for some varnish! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love this. However I find that the older sticky labels loose their sticky with time. I have to glue them to the page. I have access to a good friend who runs a flower shop. I get to pick through her throw outs all the time. You can call a flower shop near you and ask. Most are really nice about letting you have the unwanted flowers. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I've got a box of old labels just sitting in my closet from our last family reunion. Thanks for another idea on how to use up my "junk". Have a blessed week!

  4. We are temporarily staying in an Airbnb way up in the hills and there are flowers and leaves all around us! During the spring I collected some specimens. Now I have a great idea how to add to my journal. Ty! πŸ’•

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