Stiker Buatan Tangan DIY l Tanpa selotip dua sisi

Stiker #BT21
#Stiker buatan tangan
#stiker buatan sendiri
#stiker lucu
#Stiker unicorn
#stiker bunga
#Stiker Cupcake Lucu
#Stiker Kupu-Kupu
Cara membuat stiker di rumah
cara membuat stiker tanpa double tape
Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774
Can someone tell how did she make sticker sticky
Well i never thought of it that we can use leftover label plastic too !
Wow ❤️
So cute
Legends will take color printout
The best 👍💯 way is to see sticker online and then take screen shot and then print
oh BTS
I always melt when someone do diys of bts 💜
You are bts army ⟬⟭💜 na i am also 😇
Not it is a fake 🤣🤣😒😒
It is not working I tried 😑😑
Wow BTS cartton sticker
How to make sticker's Sticky ?
Very creative
Army forever
Easy way: get drawing tape tape it leave acssess and sticker
I know you are know bts
This works better if you put a first layer of tape on the parchment paper, then the drawing, then other tape, an leave an excess border
my version of the sticker, after the image is cropped, I will glue the back of the image with double-sided tape and it's finished without the need for more paper if you want a glossy finish add white tape
I don't know how did she make sticker sticky I am confused🧐🙄