Stiker Bumper Lucu dan Kreatif

Aplikasi Android #tooco Stiker Bumper Lucu dan Kreatif. Stiker bemper sudah ada sejak lama, bahkan di zaman kereta kuda ada orang yang mengiklankan barang-barang mereka di alat transportasi mereka. Kadang-kadang mereka bahkan melanggar hukum, karena ada beberapa stiker bemper yang membuat orang mendapat masalah besar sepanjang sejarah. Hari ini kami memutuskan untuk membuat daftar stiker bemper paling lucu dan kreatif yang dapat kami temukan di internet. Terkadang politik, agama, atau terkadang hanya lucu; kami memiliki berbagai untuk Anda hari ini. Kami harap Anda menikmati dan beri tahu kami di komentar apa favorit Anda. Berlangganan : Upload Populer : Upload Terbaru : ========================================== ============ Google+ Facebook Twitter Pinterest Youtube ================================= ===================== Musik: 0:00 : Uplink & Jason Gewalt – Euphoria [NCS Release]
[Uplink]: • • •
[Jason Gewalt]: • • • 4:04 : Elektronomia – Sky High [NCS Release]
Elektronomia • • • • 8:05 : Itro & Kontinuum – Alive [NCS Release]
Ikuti Itro SoundCloud Facebook Twitter Situs YouTube Instagram Ikuti Kontinuum SoundCloud Facebook Twitter Instagram 12:09 : Tanpa batas [NCS Release]
• • • • ============================================== ======== Video Lainnya: Kebenaran Dibalik Foto Di Media Sosial Gambar Yang Membuktikan Hidupmu Adalah Kebohongan Hal Terlucu Yang Terjadi Di Pesawat Waspadai Tanda Anjing Yang Akan Membuatmu Tertawa Benda Sehari-hari Yang Terlihat Persis Seperti Karakter Populer Luar Biasa berbentuk buah-buahan dan sayuran yang terlihat seperti hal-hal lain Lucu dan Kreatif Tanda Lahir Menutupi Tato Logika Anime Lucu Yang Tidak Masuk Akal Hal-hal Hanya Penggemar Marvel yang Akan Menemukan Orang Lucu yang Hidup di 3018 Meme Anti Vegan yang Dapat Dihubungkan Pecinta Daging Dengan Lucu dan Kreatif Tanda-tanda Tunawisma 55 Tato Paling Jelek dan Mengerikan Paling Kreatif Selamanya Sendirian di Hari Kasih Sayang Ketika Anda Meninggalkan Ayah Sendirian Dengan Bayi Anak Kaya Snapchats Dan Masalah Dunia Pertama Mereka Orang Bersenang-senang dengan Penempatan Tanda Saya Melakukan Apa yang Saya Inginkan Instruksi Khusus tentang Pesanan Pizza yang Sebenarnya Menjadi Kenyataan Kue Perceraian Lucu Untuk Buku Tahunan Terlucu yang Baru Menikah Kutipan Sepanjang Masa Hal Hanya Penggemar Marvel Wil l Temukan Bagian 2 Lucu Lukisan Jalanan Seni Kapur 3d Selamat datang di Saluran YouTube Tooco, Di sini Anda hanya akan menemukan Video lucu, gambar lucu, dan Meme terbaik. Video Baru Diposting Setiap Hari.
Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774
Lol I hv one that sys YOUR SO CLOSE YOU MAY AS WELL GET IN lol
the earth sucks would have more funny on a prius than a camry
Someone else recycling other vids of the same thing. Come up with something new, or get off of the air.
Good stuff, thank you
1:38:"CAR TALK":
Mother in law liason:
Stella Payne-Diaz
Father in law liaison
Royal Payne-Diaz
Sasha Payne-Diaz and Ariel Payne-Diaz 😁
A lot of these are not stickers, just photoshopped smart ass sayings. Why not just say "smart ass sayings"? You could still include the bumper stickers.
"my other car is Cristine"
Forgot the Star Wars one. “The Empire doesn’t care about your stick figure family”
Wonderful! Thanks!
4:31 My mom has that on her van.
Almost all were dumb or rude.
I found a smart car and at the end of it i found arse
Save a whale, harpoon a fat chick… We had so many funny ones in the 70's, 80's and 90's!
Why do people bother blocking license plates?
I had a bumper sticker one that said once that said "Don't tailgate me or I'll flick a bugger on your windshield" got a lot of comments on that one.
Good stuff, thank you.
Had to bail. Due to very sucky music.
1:36 they missing Jack…🤣
'ASS, GAS or GRASS ..nobody rides for free' this is my all time favorite
Give war a chance.
if you can read this ,,,i can hit my brakes and sue you
Not a bumper sticker, but I had a front plate that had Satan on it that read "Speed on brother hell ain't half full"
You forgot Uncle Half.
Some of these are so small it's hard to read them
It's the LOVE of money that's said to be the root of evil. On a similarly ecclesiastical theme the phrase is FOUNT of all knowledge not FONT – a font is the ceremonial basin in church.
0:40 perfect sticker for drifters… especially leaders.
Thanks for the laughs.
I nee that peta sticker
My Dad for YEARS had a bad habit of getting pulled over for speeding.
He got tired of the cops pulling him over all the time. So he got a bumper sticker that said. "Bad cop. No donut."
The cops that pulled him over always got a kick out of it.
(8:15) is that even an actual website??
yes this is my truck no i won't help you move
Haha I have the Ass Family on a t shirt
0:35 my brother has one of those but he wants to cover it up cause you can barely read the "people eating tasy animals" part and it looks like it just says peta
The last one sounds about right. Especially if it were highschool
Thank goodness I've a volume knob so I can get rid of the crappy music – everything else was GREAT.
Best one ever, "If You're Going To Ride My Ass…. At Least Pull My Hair"
" I brake for no apparent reason " must live I'm Washington state
"Im a bitch just not yours" lol the irony , no decent man wants a woman like that hahaha
I'm not really into bumper stickers but some of these are very funny. I like "I'm speeding because I really have to poop" & "Be nice to fat people one of these days they may save your life" and "your stick figure family was delicious" thanks for posting it. Stay healthy everyone we will get through this together.
Keep honking I am deaf . You wanna see God text when you are driving 🤣🤣🤣🤣
3:30 true af 😂😂😂
4:42 omg true af😂😂😂
C. S. I. cant stand idiots
My personal fav is “Always late but worth the wait “. I thought about getting it, but then I figured They’ll find out soon enough anyway, why advertise.
My wife has one that says "don't be sexist, (bitches hate that)" I hate having to drive her car!
My car has a sticker for all tailgaters. “Go around me, I’m flooring it”.