Jurnal Kreatif Harian + Penyimpanan Memori | Jurnal Stalogi A5 dengan Saya

Jurnal Kreatif Harian + Penyimpanan Memori | Jurnal Stalogi A5 dengan Saya

Saya harap Anda menemukan beberapa ide dan inspirasi untuk bermain dan melakukan apa pun yang Anda suka dalam jurnal Anda! Terima kasih telah menonton semuanya 🙂 Apakah Anda ingin tahu tentang mendukung saluran saya melalui keanggotaan $0,99/bulan?! Terima kasih! Link untuk Bergabung: **UNTUK BERGABUNG KLIK TOMBOL ‘JOIN’ DI LAYAR RUMAH CHANNEL. HARUS DI KOMPUTER DAN BUKAN DI APLIKASI YOUTUBE** Berikut ini tautan ke item yang dapat saya temukan (Sebuah ** menunjukkan tautan afiliasi! Jika Anda ingin menggunakan tautan saya, itu memberi saya sejumlah kecil komisi yang dapat saya gunakan untuk lebih baik saluran saya, tetapi tidak menghabiskan waktu atau uang lagi; Saya sangat menghargainya, terima kasih! Anda juga dapat membuka bilah pencarian terpisah dan menemukan item tanpa menggunakan tautan saya, tidak apa-apa juga :)) Seperti biasa , pastikan Anda menemukan penjual yang Anda percaya asli dan tepat waktu sebelum memesan! **Cara Menggambar Apa Pun Kapan Saja: **Pengikat Penyimpanan Stiker: **Menstruasi Crustacea: **Stiker Katak: **Stiker Suatelier Life: **Kawaii Girl and Boy Color Washi Sticker Pack Set: **Stiker Siput Bahagia: ** Set Stiker Luar Angkasa Kartun Kawaii: ** Serpihan Stiker Beruang Doraemon: ** Kotak Penyimpanan Plastik – multi-ukuran ** Stalogi Setengah Tahun A5: ** Stalogi Setahun Penuh A5: ** Penutup Bening A5: ** Sampul Notebook Moterm B6: **Kasing Iphone Bunga: **Washi bunga paling cantik: **Tips super Crayola: **Stiker Jurnal Hewan Kawaii: **Stiker Jurnal Album Amplop: **Penanda Warna Dunia Crayola: **Buku stiker antik: * *Pena Gel Inkjoy: **Stiker Beruang Buha Korea (juga tersedia banyak karakter lucu lainnya): **Stiker Kucing PPAPPAPPIYO: **Stiker Gadis PPAPPAPPIYO: **Stiker Kelinci Molang: **Stiker Heeda Gadis: **Stiker Konstelasi dan Zodiak : **Stiker Sasquatch: **Tas Tote Lily Queen: **Sampul Notebook A5 MD: **Set Pita Washi Galaxy Ungu: **Star Jelly PVC: **Hari ke Hari S tickers (Pony Brown): **Cara Menggambar Hampir Semuanya: **Cara Menggambar Hampir Setiap Hari: **Cara Menggambar Hampir Setiap Hewan: **Warna Sarasa Vintage: **Buku Stiker Musiman Kerajinan Amerika: **Mildliners: * * Pena Kuas Mildliner: ** Serpihan Stiker Kucing: ** Sprocket HP: ** Kantong Utilitas Delfonics – Medium: ** Ballpoint Uni Jetstream 0.5: ** Stiker kucing: ** Serpihan stiker Aimeo Cat: ** Stiker Babi dan Kucing: **Set Wamon Washi Tape: Kredit Musik: Bensound Email: emilou.arts@gmail.com Instagram: @emilou.arts PO Box: EmiLou.Arts 2135 NW 108th St. Suite # 71323 Clive, IA 50325 USA .


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17 thoughts on “Jurnal Kreatif Harian + Penyimpanan Memori | Jurnal Stalogi A5 dengan Saya

  1. Lol. Sarcasm and profanity. I need this sticker! Is there a whole book of similar wisdom? I got caught up in my journal today. It took 3 days to catch up after missing almost 2 weeks. Do you take your journal with you hen you travel?

  2. About 11 minutes or so in and had to pause… been laugjing so hard from the moment you said "weasel panties" and it really hasn't stopped.
    I was trying SO HARD to get through the whole video without pausing & adding thoughts to my comments… it's got to be tedious to wade through them!
    However… I had to pause here because Henry was both correct… and incorrect about the use of the word homely.
    YOU are correct (for North America) as here it means an unattractive in appearance… (be a person, place, or thing)
    However, I read a book today that described a home (in Oregon, of all places… but it's a "historical" romance, so… lol) that was "homely", and yet… the character was describing it with delight! So, of course, I had to look it up, because, like you… it seemed the "wrong" word.
    To my surprise (and chagrin!), there is a difference between the British version and ours… to them, homely means "simple, but cozy and comfortable" or "unsophisticated and unpretentious."
    So you were both correct here. Henry had the right idea… comfortable, unpretentious, cozy… he just used the british version (or, I suppose, a more historical word) for what he was trying to convey. YOU were correct about correcting him, as many – even voracious readers like myself – can and likely will misconstrue his actual meaning. (Honestly, though… I'd be super proud of him for coming up with a word that DID describe how he felt… homely is a great, easy word for something that gives us a sense of home, of safety, of peace and tranquility, where we can remove our public masks and be our truest selves. It's a shame we've turned such a great word into a negative…)
    Ok… on with the video and more awesome laughter. =D
    Awww, poor Henry… tummy bugs are NO FUN! Praying no one else comes down with it!!
    Hey Emily… I know you know this, but as a member of the "Hard Time Saying 'No'" club… try to say "No." And more importantly… stick to it! Nobody needs a reason why (except maybe a boss lol). If they push, just reiterate, "No. It's my final answer. Please respect my decision and stop being so pushy."
    And girrrrrrrllllll… adding ANOTHER job? Granted, school nurse doesn't "sound" terribly difficult, but we ALL know that behind the scenes there is a lot more involved. I wish you only the best for you in this! I can see why leaving the NICU would be incredibly difficult… for all of the "bad" – those moments NO ONE wants to think of, that one department sees a LOT of "omg, that's so awesome and it's making me happy cry" moments, too. Those moments when you can hand new parents their child that has been in your care for potentially MONTHS and know that this tiny miracle… this baby not only survived but THRIVED… and can finally go home has to be the best feeling in the world. I know I'd be hard-pressed not to cry happy tears! It's got to be incredible knowing you had a part in making sure this little soul had a chance to grow up.
    I've said it before and I'll say it again – you are one of many angels here on earth. In 1980, my husband was born several months early, only 2 pounds, 13 ounces. They were assembling their first and only brand new incubator they had JUST gotten in and trying to learn how to use it when his mother came in… and he emerged seconds (literally) later. One of the (elderly) nurses grabbed my (baby lol) husband and had his dad (huge HUGE lumberjack) remove his shirt, and pressed this tiny baby to his chest and said, "don't move him, he needs your warmth."
    He spent a month in that incubator, with the nurses all learning on the job.
    If that nurse hadn't done that… if they hadn't rushed to get that incubator ready… if they hadn't quickly figured out how to use it… I wouldn't have my darling man with me now.
    So… thank you… for being there for all those families who are scared… for all those lives you have helped in one way or another.

  3. Well Sh*t …. now I need a Weasette in Panties…. of a Pair of panties with a tiny weasette on them. LOL Lordy… I hope Henry is better and you ALL steer clear. Best Wishes on your new job…. Hope it leads exactly where you need it to!!

  4. Hello!😊 Hope you and your family are all well and healthy (definitely saying a few prayers on that one)! Congratulations on your new position! I feel like you’re going to be the coolest school nurse!😆 I hope that your upswing continues to go up and stay up! Thank you so much, Emily!❤️❤️❤️

  5. Oh! Emily… I'm SO happy you are posting again! You always seem to post right when I need some cheering up!

    I'm SO sorry to hear that Henry isn't feeling well. Praying for him & the rest of your family that everyone stays healthy!

    Good luck with the new job! I hope it works out well for you & you can spend more time with your family!

    Take care,

  6. YaY YOU! Congratulations!! Hopefully this frees you up so you get more snuggles, cuddles, and fun times with your anklebiters and Mr Wonderful. My Mom was a nurse and growing up we would miss her terribly because she worked a lot of crazy hours. When we did get to spend time with her we maxed those times out. Our poor Mom 😁. We were a bunch of stinkers too. We are fortunate that I could stay home with our own anklebiters and I’m glad I made the decision to do it. I threaten my family when they drive me nuts, that I’ll go back to work (data analyst) and I get a collective emphatic NO!! Thank you for sharing, I do take comfort and joy from your sharing and journaling. I have you on while I journal sometimes too and it’s like journaling with a friend! 💜

  7. My daughter is at the same point – has always worked evenings and weekends and is now picking up shifts while the kids are in school so she can back off on her weekends. She dropped done her per diem level so she has to work fewer shifts – she wants to be around for the football games and practices. ❤️❤️ My hubby is a retired PO and we have always had to deal with missing someone in the family for special occasions and most people don’t understand the toll it takes on you. Hang in there! ❤️❤️

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