Mesin Buat Stiker Xyron XRN500 5 Inch

Mesin Buat Stiker Xyron XRN500 5 Inch

Di Amazon:
Sempurna untuk membuat halaman lembar memo, kartu ucapan foto, label, tag, dan lainnya
Menerapkan perekat ujung-ke-ujung pada benda datar dengan lebar hingga 5 inci termasuk kertas, foto, pita, dan lainnya
Tidak ada listrik, baterai atau panas yang dibutuhkan
Untuk membuat stiker bebas asam permanen atau yang dapat dilepas
Berukuran 8 kali 8,5 kali 5,5 inci; Garansi terbatas 1 tahun

Ingin membuat stiker yang lebih kecil? Lihat video ini:



Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774

41 thoughts on “Mesin Buat Stiker Xyron XRN500 5 Inch

  1. Will this stickers stick to a car window??? Does anyone know??

    I’m trying to start my own decal business – I’m a really good artist so I been told- have an art portfolio

    Along w expertise on editing

    So I sketch my art upload
    Edit color


    And I was thinking of printing on cricut machine but it’s too expensive

    If this stick to car windows I can probably buy this

    I just need to know.

    5 inches is a good start.

  2. at first didn't understand RE glue, what permanent & repisitionable meant(how you use it) but then you explained (like for photos you might not want to stick on permanently , that you could later peel it off & stick it on to something else) and I got it that you buy the kind of glue (on the sheet)you prefer, permanent or repositionable.

  3. many viewers are commenting on her soothing voice and yes, that's the first thing I thought: sounds like a professional voice you hear on TV, radios.

  4. So I have the xyron model 500 create a sticker machine and the small tape looking stuff that moves when you turn the knob has like unconnected or something but idk what to do

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