DAPAT STIKER?! 5 Cara Keren Menggunakannya di Jurnal Sampah Tanpa Pernah Menempel Stiker!

DAPAT STIKER?! 5 Cara Keren Menggunakannya di Jurnal Sampah Tanpa Pernah Menempel Stiker! Pos Luar Kertas! Jurnal sampah dapat menyimpan stiker sehingga penerima dapat menggunakannya sesuai keinginan! Lihat cara membuat 5 cara mudah untuk membuat koleksi stiker bersinar di jurnal sampah mana pun tanpa pernah menempel stiker! 🙂 Digikit Digunakan dari Toko Etsy saya! 🙂 1. Ilustrasi Burung 2. Flutterbys: 3. Motif Bunga: 4. Script di Tanda Tangan Mekar Digikit: 5. Tanda Tangan Taman Capung Digikit: SELAMAT DATANG DI OUTPOST KERTAS! 😊 DANA! 😊 Dapatkan DANA di Toko Etsy saya!: 100 barang antik & antik termasuk halaman buku besar, cek & kuitansi lama, halaman buku menarik, kertas yang diwarnai dengan tangan, kartu pos lama, kartu teh, kertas tulisan tangan, & banyak lagi lainnya! Luar biasa untuk digunakan dalam kreasi jurnal sampah Anda! Pengiriman Prioritas Gratis di AS! 🙂 Persediaan terbatas! 🙂 Lihat Dana! Video!: Beli Dana! Toko Etsy: DIGIKIT VINTAGE! Unduhan yang Dapat Dicetak! Gambar menakjubkan untuk diunduh & dicetak di rumah pada printer Anda!: Toko Etsy: TOKO AMAZON SAYA!: Produk & Alat Favorit Pribadi Saya!, Buku! Ide Penyimpanan Kerajinan! & Favorit Sunny! (Ini adalah tautan afiliasi, saya mendapat komisi kecil, Anda tidak membayar lebih untuk item tersebut) MERCHANDISE! T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Mugs, Totes @ more! NEWSLETTER!: Newsletter Email Bulanan Gratis dari The Paper Outpost! Daftar di sini: – Cetak Digital Bulanan Gratis! – Daftar Periksa Persediaan Jurnal Sampah Gratis! – Gratis Catatan Dari Pembuat Buku yang menjelaskan apa itu jurnal sampah dan bagaimana menggunakannya! – Daftar Ide Halaman Gratis untuk Jurnal Sampah! – Tips & Update Jurnal Sampah dari Pam di The Paper Outpost! COME TEMUKAN SAYA DI 🙂 ETSY Shop: ETSY Shop: YOUTUBE: Newsletter: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: The Paper Outpost FACEBOOK GROUP: THE PAPER OUTPOST PODCAST: The Joy of Junk Journals!: AMAZON STORE: PINTEREST: TWITTER: Paper Outpost Merchandise Store! : Semua Tautan Saya: Ingin Mengembangkan Saluran YouTube Anda! Lihat Teman Tabung! Saya menggunakan ini dan menyukainya! 🙂 Daftar Putar Youtube Saya!: ( Video Saya Disusun Berdasarkan Topik!) Untuk melihat semua Daftar Putar saya klik di sini: 1, Caranya: 2. Menggunakan Halaman Buku: 3. Pembuatan Jurnal: Hormat kami, Pam di The Paper Outpost 🙂 !! Saat ini saya terkubur dalam kertas dan tertutup lem 😉 Dan saya di surga! 🙂 Ingatlah bahwa Kesenangan Bisa Sederhana! Maju dan Berkreasi dengan Reckless Abandon! 🙂 #junkjournal #thepaperoutpost #scrappaper #scrappaperideas #junkjournalscraps #scrapbook #scrapbookpaper #paperoutpost #junkjournalwithme #junkjournaljoy .
Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774
I love the butterfly Pam, beautiful colouring! Is it from one of your own digikits? X
Good morning Pam and fellow crafters 🌸🦋💜
Ești un idol REIKOO.Uno mereu în inima mea 💋 frumos, dragoste, alegere, cultural. Sunt unul dintreu cele mai bune concerte….
Good morning beautiful Pam. Happy Monday blessings. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and time with us. These are awesome and amazing prototypes. I love stickers and this makes me happy. ❤❤❤
I don't know how you always know what I'm struggling with lol. I wanted to send some stickers with my journals but didn't know how to besides just sending them along in a plain envelope. Thanks Pam!
ফেলিসিডেস, এটি মিনাংকাবাউ উদাহরণ। 250 sentadillas son unos Youngstars.Quest muchas y un buen ejercicio. 5:25 Dadi dejag ver que hay muy buenos ফলাফল 😍👍
Ești un idol SEXTINDER.Uno mereu în inima mea 💋 frumos, dragoste, alegere, cultural. Sunt unul dintreo cele mai bune concerte….
Pam you are a famous stickler!
Loved the birds 🎵 singing in the background. Loved what you made. Blessings lovely from Colleen NZ.
Amazing ideas. Out of the park, Pam.
you bet I wore denim bells and my clunky shoes. funny thing is now my granddaughter loves the same style of shoes. jeans aren't quite as bellish. I get boot cut. they are small flare. not into tight around my ankles. lol love this idea once again.
Mornin' Pam. Hi Holly and Lovies and Sunny. I remember well the extra wide leg on our pants. Where I came from we called them "elephant" legged pants. If we weren't careful we could get the legs all tangled and trip 😂. Good projects today. I have done similar with stickers by putting them in pockets. Most go to my granddaughter to play with though. TFS Hope you all have a great day. 🌞
Ești un idol LIKESEX.Uno mereu în inima mea 💋 frumos, dragoste, alegere, cultural. Sunt unul dintref cele mai bune concerte….
I like how each of these ideas would easily convert to a beautiful greeting card with a special sticker gift for a young person (I would have loved to receive a card with bonus stickers as a kid) or fellow crafter.
Good morning Pam!
They are all great ideas and I thought I had my stickers under control but I don't so I will be making these and putting them in my Etsy orders. Clogs were the rage for me! 😂 Have a awesome day, take care! 💜
with all my stops and starts I've managed to finally finish this 1 1/2 hours later. lol. love these cute ways of adding stickers. and boy do I have stickers. lol😅😅😅😂
Hey sis , omg sunny having fun , got Ur lacey cat shim does that all the time , but he gets the better of me cos I can't get hold of him
Hello to Michelle j Barbara n many others that have contacted me thanks to Pam Chanel xxx sp
Good morning Pam. I'm a little behind…catching up. This is a great idea, and fun. Thanks.👍🤗🤗
You inspired me to go swim……because….first things first THEN I get to reward myself and get to play with paper! THX. What fun lies ahead for me
What a wonderful idea Pam! I bet you dream about what to do next..we appreciate you as our leader! Thank you for sharing! Sunny is so sweet! Good morning to you both!☀️☀️
Wonderful idea. I have some RAK packages to send out. These will be perfect! Thanks, Pam 🥰
Thank you so much for some ideas on how to sell stickers that I create myself!!! Thank you for sharing and also showing us your sweet puppy!!
Good Morning Pam 🙂
I finally know what to do with my over abundance of stickers 🙂
Thank You Thank You ❤️
Lol! The adventures of Sunny and Bunny!!!💕 What an adorable little rascal! Good ideas with the stickers. TFS🤗
I love how you give us so many options. Blessings to you
Pammy, you're incredible! This JJ thing has been happening for a few minutes now and somehow you keep coming up with new ideas for us.
I'd decided I had too many stickers left over from my BuJo days (tho I am still BuJo'ing, just differently) but there were some that were too special to pass on, y'know? Now I have a way to use them either for myself in a JJ or for others that may ultimately leave my possession.
As always you rock and I love ya! XOX, MK 🤗♥️🏜
Pam: bell bottoms? Oh yes, I still kept my favorite pair for 70’s costume parties when they happen. They have been brought out twice already since being the very chic jeans. Haha
Love this idea. I thought this would especially be nice for little treats for children. Thanks. Carol from California
fantastic idea thanks for sharing have a journal that these will go great in take care stay safe