Tips dan Trik Stiker // Melapisi dan Memotong Stiker di Planner Anda!

Tips dan Trik Stiker // Melapisi dan Memotong Stiker di Planner Anda!

Bergabunglah dengan saya saat saya menunjukkan cara yang berbeda untuk menggunakan stiker di perencana Anda!



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* M Y A M A Z O N S H O P:
Belanja produk yang saya rekomendasikan!

* A F F I L I A T E L I N K S:

-Dapatkan $10 off dari pembelian Erin Condren pertama Anda!
-Belanja Arteza untuk produk berkualitas tinggi dengan harga yang wajar!
-Lihat Tombow, salah satu merek pena favorit saya:
-Ingin membuat stiker sendiri? Ini adalah mesin favorit saya:
-Cobalah Stitch Fix (penata gaya pribadi – Anda mendapatkan sekotak pakaian lucu melalui pos!) dan kami berdua mendapatkan diskon $25!

* M Y F A V O R I T S U P P L I E S:

Set Washi Scallop Desain Doodlebug:

Buku Stiker Happy Planner Kotak Warna-warni:

Label lembar penuh:

Pita koreksi whiteout Tombow:

Perekat Permanen Tombow:

Perekat yang Dapat Dilepas Tombow:

Printer Canon SELPHY:

Pena lem zig:

pisau kerajinan excel:

EK Success Cutter Bee Scissors:

Pemotong Kertas Fiskars:

Pukulan kertas Happy Planner® BIG:

Pentel Energel 0.5 pulpen:

Pentel Energel 0.7 pulpen:

Pentel Energel 0.3 pulpen:

Pena Kuas ABT Tombow Ganda:

Set Pensil Warna Prismacolor:

Stensil Daftar Periksa Happy Planner®:

Penghapus Polimer Tinggi Pentel:

Set Pena Flair Mate Kertas:

Set Pena Inkjoy Mate Kertas:

Set Pena Gel Tul yang Dapat Ditarik:

Pita seni putih untuk menutupi garis:

Kiat Super Crayola:

Pena percontohan G-2:

* H A P P Y M A I L:

Merencanakan dengan Bumble
PO Box 700
Pusat kota, PA 19335

Musik Doodle of the Day: Gitar Kecil dari

Saya adalah peserta dalam Program Associates Amazon Services LLC, program periklanan afiliasi yang dirancang untuk menyediakan sarana bagi kami untuk mendapatkan biaya dengan menautkan ke dan situs afiliasi. Saya mendapatkan persentase penjualan yang sangat kecil jika Anda mengklik tautan di atas.

Intro menggemaskan yang dibuat oleh Erica Canant! Jika Anda ingin dia membuat intro Anda, klik di sini:

Musik intro: Wander
Musisi: @iksonofficial

#happyplanner #planwithme


Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774

38 thoughts on “Tips dan Trik Stiker // Melapisi dan Memotong Stiker di Planner Anda!

  1. I actually do some of the tricks here myself, but I dont think i’ve considered cutting a full box to use them as like washi borders. That’s cool 👍🏼 I also like the floral bordering along the center, I just dont do it because i dont have the hole puncher,.

    Otherwise, Great video! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Stickers…it's not like life or death lol…but it might be some days for me lol. Great ideas that we probably see often but never stop to think about and I sure need to for sure! BTW placement at edges and trimming off the excess is a great idea for the stickers that are no pretty or useful otherwise.

  3. Thanks. I love some of your tips. I'll have to try the flowers technique along the middle and also using it under a box. I'm not the type to over use stickers. Plus I'm not big on flowers. Just depends on my mood that day. Lol but I I differently want to use all my sticks without going to go buy more. Witch is hard to do, when I really want to haha. Thanks again. Love your tips

  4. Great tips, Mary Ellen. I have been a rut as far as my planner spreads go. I am making the switch from an A5 ring planner to a Happy Planner which has forced me to come up with some different types of spreads. It is like I am starting over! These ideas give me a place to start. Thanks for sharing. I love all of your spreads.

  5. My aesthetic is completely different but I can apply all of these concepts to my own style of planning and materials. Thank you!

  6. Good tips!!!
    And you’re right about those 2 pages of ugly flowers in that particular sticker pages! I have that book and love it, but when I first opened it and spotted them, I 💭 WTF! 😉😆
    What were they thinking when they included them?! 😆😉
    Good idea to use them to experiment with different ideas though. 😊

  7. So I was advised to use a planner to counteract my horrible memory and record important info for the month… I was hoping to use stickers and what not to keep me interested in a planner…but do you place stickers only where you arent going to be writing? Sorry…very new

  8. I cut my stickers too, love that idea. I like to cut to destash new packs before I take them home and throw anything that I know I won't use or don't like into a bag I keep in the car. When I go the thrift I just drop it off with all the other stuff to donate. I keep a pair of scissors in the glove compartment to do this with. I do this with packs of scrapbooking paper too. This way only my faves make it in my house.

  9. Thank you so much for these tips. I am new to planning with stickers and such and when looking at two blank pages it can be intimidating; especially when you don’t consider yourself to be very creative. I’ll take all the tips and advice I can get. So again, thank you!!

  10. You say ,ugly' Stickers, I love them. 😂 The Fun Floral Sticker Book is not available in Germany at the Moment. This is the reason why I bought the 60Euro Sticker Book with all the bautifull Flowers. Also with the ,ugly' Flowers. 😂 These are my favorites. It is funny how different opinions can be. 😁

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