Cara Terbaik Membuat Stiker Tahan Air Berkualitas Tinggi Menggunakan Cricut (Yang Bisa Anda Jual!)

Ingin tahu cara membuat stiker menggunakan Cricut? Lihat tutorial DIY yang mudah ini tentang bagaimana saya membuat stiker WATERPROOF kualitas premium yang saya jual di toko Etsy saya dan online dengan Cricut saya dan hanya beberapa persediaan! Pelajari langkah demi langkah bagaimana saya membuat stiker laminasi ini!
Lihat video ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana saya mendesain stiker dari awal hingga akhir DAN bagaimana saya menambahkan garis putih pada desain stiker:
Lihat video ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana saya mendapatkan desain stiker saya ke Cricut Design Space saya bersama dengan menjalankan cepat melalui desain stiker dan cara menata desain sebelum mencetak / memotong:
Jika Anda tertarik untuk memesan beberapa stiker saya yang terjangkau… pastikan untuk memeriksa situs web saya! Atau lihat tautan di bawah ini untuk persediaan yang saya gunakan!
**Video ini berisi tautan afiliasi – Saat Anda membeli melalui beberapa tautan di atas, saya menerima komisi kecil dari pembelian Anda. Tidak ada biaya tambahan untuk Anda. Perlu diketahui bahwa saya tidak pernah menautkan apa pun yang belum saya gunakan sendiri dan saya juga tidak akan merekomendasikan produk yang tidak akan saya gunakan.
Terima kasih banyak telah mendukung saluran saya!! Apakah Anda baru saja menonton video saya, berlangganan saluran saya, melakukan pembelian di situs web saya, atau bahkan menggunakan tautan afiliasi – saya tidak akan dapat mengikuti hasrat saya ini tanpa semua dukungan Anda! Cinta kalian semua!
Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774
Great video. Just had 2 questions for you.
How often do you have to change the blade out after cutting a full sheet of stickers such as the ones you did?
Also, do you find that the laminate you use for the stickers peel off after a certain period of time? Thanks
Can you list like all the things you used if you haven’t already
I need help! I've been trying to make stickers that hold up to water and I've had no luck yet. I bought the Online Labels sticker paper, and the Craftables laminate, and still my stickers ended up peeling off and the color streaking, just from water dripping down the side of a water bottle 🙁
Wonderful tutorial!
This seems like a Lot in time, materials, and ink. Wouldn't it be less expensive to have them made off-site?
Do you use a specific software or app that precisely outlines each sticker?
I must say what a great video. To the point and so easy to follow. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
This was a super informative video. I'm assuming when they get laminated they would be good for cars and also to put on packages to mail right?
great tutorial! I've had my cricut over a year and never knew about custom settings! definitely a game changer! do you think I'd be able to do this with a lamination machine? thanks!
Do you have any issues with the edges of the stickers being jagged? Every time I cut stickers using a laminate sheet they have jagged edges and I have not been able to find a fix for it. I've tried different settings, including custom settings, more pressure, 2x cut, etc but nothing seems to work.
Do you get permission, or do you just steal copyrighted material?
Okay so now that you've taken these stickers off that plastic board
What printer are you using. Sorry if you said before
This is awesome! Do you have to have a certain printer to do this?
Lovely tutorial! I wonder if you have to laminate all the stickers to make them waterproof? Or is is a vinyl already waterproof? I just bought my cricut explore air and I need some advice. Thanks
how do they have the white border? is it automatic?
How did you go about creating a logo and what did you use?
Thank you for helping me! I haven't seen a single cricut video that talks about everything you shared! thank you!
Hello! Great video! I'm thinking about selling stickers very soon but I have a question. Is it better to laminate them to get the waterproof effect or just buy waterproof sticker paper? Which would you recommend?
Can we use it for fabric (children clothes of school)
i would put the page on a mat to hold it easier then apply the laminate.