Pabrik Stiker | Konten Bagus | Tatered

Pabrik Stiker | Konten Bagus | Tatered

Masuk ke dalam pabrik stiker ini untuk melihat cara pembuatannya. ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฆ„.
Terima kasih kepada Pabrik Stiker Mrs. Grossman


Lebih Banyak Konten Bagus!

Lihat itu. Bagus, bukan? Baik sekali.

colokkan ke TARED

#Konten Bagus #Tatered

bopeng. Tot.
36.000 tahun yang lalu nenek moyang kita, dihangatkan dan dinyalakan oleh api yang dicuri dari Prometheus, melukis gambar bison dan ternak di gua-gua Altimira di Spanyol utara.
Abad ke-5 SM Athena membawa kita zaman keemasan Pericles, kelahiran demokrasi, dan Artistotle’s Poetics, kerangka kerja untuk setiap cerita sejak diceritakan.
Abad ke-17 adalah Shakespeare, ke-18 Deklarasi Kemerdekaan, ke-19 adalah Nietzche.
Kemudian untuk beberapa saat tidak ada apa-apa. Lalu, ada SUPER DELUXE. Kemudian, tidak ada lagi.
Sekarang adalah Tater.

Pabrik Stiker | Konten Bagus | Tatered



Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774

42 thoughts on “Pabrik Stiker | Konten Bagus | Tatered

  1. we're chilling in her garage eating gummy bears and fudge stripes and i stg i've been chewing on them forever but anyways we're supposed to be in school oop lmao but this vid was p sicc

  2. Reminds me of elementary school when we used to line up in the library to get stickers & lil girls being upset about trading & collecting stickers

  3. Such an immensely satisfying video! I own some of those rainbow stickers. Hell, I own a LOT of the stickers shown here. I'm a lifelong sticker connoisseur.

  4. Mrs. Andrea Grossman started her company in 1979. Her then 11 year old son Jason was at the helm, both working and enjoying life, and running their business from their Petaluma, CA, USA kitchen table. When Mrs. Grossman's friend in Sausalito requested that she make an adornment for gift wrap, she developed her Big Beautiful Red Heart sticker, but the printer made a mistake, and put them on sticker rolls. She showcased her "Stickers by the Yard" the following year at a convention, and it was a big hit. Within 2 years she grew her business from 2 "employees" to 50, capitalizing on on what Time Magazine called "Stickermania". Years later, she capitalized on the growing scrapbooking trend, and now on the Bullet Journaling trend. Fast forward to July 31, 2019 – Mrs. Grossman still makes stickers in Petaluma, CA, USA, next to a nature preserve, where employees can bring their dogs to work, and the company donates 2 million stickers to hospitalized children – but have had to close Factory Tours, and their Retail Store – due to an inability for their insurance carrier to provide coverage for factory tours. The business is still open, and Mrs. Grossman continues to grow nationally, and internationally, with an increase in their online marketplace and presence, all the while preserving their relationship with the small, independent retail shops that made the brand grow years ago. Son Jason is now fully grown, and after growing his own business, and selling it (Paragon Labels, Business to Business) he heads Mrs. Grossman, as the real Mrs. Grossman enjoys retirement, and charitable projects, and the next big business idea! We love you Mrs. Grossman, and the wonderful stickers from our childhood, then and now.

  5. I used to LOVE going to a place with a big wall of mrs. grossman's stickers on the wall, it's a really fond childhood memory. Now as a graphic designer I was SO HEARTBROKEN to learn they were doing tours of their factory and I didn't get to go before they closed the tours and the company shifted most of their operations to wine labels where there was more profit. Seeing press people making my favorite childhood stickers and getting to ask them printing and design questions would have been an absolute dream. Thank you for making this video, it definitely soothed some of that heartbreak at least getting to see the presses run. <3

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