cara membuat stiker sendiri | tanpa kertas stiker

cara membuat stiker sendiri | tanpa kertas stiker


di video ini saya akan menunjukkan cara membuat stiker sendiri di rumah! Anda tidak memerlukan kertas stiker atau cricut

nikmati videonya

template stiker yang dapat Anda cetak:

lagu: poin bagus dari daystar

#cara membuat stiker


Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774

45 thoughts on “cara membuat stiker sendiri | tanpa kertas stiker

  1. I loved the video, but what can I find the photos by writing, they are super cute, I want to make them too, I would really appreciate 💗✨

  2. omg those sticker are so cute! I'm going to try doing that when I have time. btw, i pressed the link for the sticker templates you put in the description, and it said there was an error, so maybe you could send the link again? Thanks sooo much!

  3. Instead of baking paper does we can use any another paper? And thankyou for making a tutorial ☺💕and i have a question that how to make stiker using stiker paper

  4. I am gonna try this out later its so amazing and the videos is literally so help full now I don’t need to waste money on new stickers And its super cute!💕

  5. “Thank you so much! I drew a fairy kitty and it turned out so adorable so I wanted to turn it into a sticker and I found this video. I made duplicates of my small drawing and followed the steps shown in the video and created some stickers and gave some to my friends. Thank you!!“


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