Tutorial Stiker RedBubble! Cara menentukan harga, mendesain, dan mengunggah stiker ke RedBubble dan menghasilkan uang.

Tutorial Stiker RedBubble! Cara menentukan harga, mendesain, dan mengunggah stiker ke RedBubble dan menghasilkan uang.

Di video ini saya akan menunjukkan tutorial singkat tentang stiker di RedBubble. RedBubble mungkin adalah tempat terbaik untuk menjual stiker secara online. Mereka memiliki lalu lintas organik yang luar biasa. Pelajari cara menentukan harga, ukuran, desain, dan mengunggah stiker di RedBubble menggunakan Affinity Designer.

#detourshirts #redbubble #stiker

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DS Amazon QuickView

Desainer Afinitas

Pasar Kreatif (untuk Font dan Tekstur)

MyFonts.com (untuk Font)

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Merchandise Saya dari Toko Amazon:

Toko Etsy Saya:

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Diskon 15% kode promo: RBC-M20-detourshirts

TeeToko Umum Saya:

Toko CafePress Saya:

Toko Zazzle Saya:

Toko Tanpa Benang Saya:

Desain Saya oleh Toko Manusia:

Toko My Society 6:

Toko Spreadshirt Saya:

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Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774

36 thoughts on “Tutorial Stiker RedBubble! Cara menentukan harga, mendesain, dan mengunggah stiker ke RedBubble dan menghasilkan uang.

  1. Great tips Juna – could you perhaps do a video on "sticker packs"? You mentioned "Bumper stickers" which is something I really want to try out but I have no idea how to calculate what size the stickers would turn out. I figure that I could possibly fit 3 or 4 bumper stickers onto the large or extra large sticker sheet and would want to advise people in the details which size works best for bumper stickers – any ideas?

  2. When you say that if it looks good on other items, upload it to them…how do we know if that pixel size works for the other items? Someone else said to create a design in RB's king duvet size: 13500 x 11462 and then that will look good on every single item offered by RB. What are your thoughts on this? Is it better to make sizes for each particular item separately? That seems like a helluva lot of work! Thanks, I'm a newbie and need all the help I can get! πŸ™‚

  3. I just started on redbubble…I have a few sales in my acivity feed but i still have no "you've made a sale" email. The sales are from over a week ago, am I missing something?

  4. I saw you can sell mini stickers. Is there a different way to upload stickers when hoping to make mini ones? There was no place to decide the size of the stickers to sell.

  5. Thank you for this video! I am using photopea for the first time and I am having trouble trying to fill in the little gaps in the stickers that you have managed to fill in with white in this video. I just don't know how to do this.

  6. what is the image size you use on photoshop for a sticker pack that will work on Redbubble and teepublic?
    I just made a pack and uploaded it on redbubble and the stickers were separated from each other but when i tried to upload the same stickers pack on Teepublic, the stickers looked gothered not separated! what is the problem with teepublic stickers pack?

  7. Also make sure all your images are set to 300 DPI (Dots per inch) or your print images will be blurry. In Affinity Designer if you go to File on the top left hand side and then Document Setup, it will show you the size and the dpi, you can change the dpi to 300 there. Might be a quicker way, but that’s how I do it.

  8. I haven't watched this yet and I was wondering if you could do a tutorial like this just on a phone… it's usually different on a phone and I would really appreciate it 😁

  9. Thank you for the video but I have a question, when we design the sticker and put it up on Redbubble, people order the sticker and you need to printed out and send to them? Sorry I m very newbie of this sticker product. Hope you can help me to understand the process πŸ˜…

  10. thanks for the video πŸ™‚ what size do you upload your designs to Redbuble pls – so as to make them available on all products? Do you upload a single image file (for all designs) or do you re-size for each item eg sticker, t-shirt, phone case etc?

  11. Your video was really helpful for me! I just designed my first sticker and uploaded it to my red bubble and it’s perfect for Halloween coming up ☺️

  12. thank u for this tutorial. I have issues with red bubble stickers and am trying to understand. i know the border around the sticker is 3.2mm but lately it has become thicker and thicker and looks really horrendous. i dont understand why they can't just stick to 3.2mm….compared to some other companies, the white border is so much thinner . do u have any issues with the thickness of your sticker, if u have bought it? Looking at their mockup is different than getting the actual product. Mockups on red bubble always show a thin border but the actual thing is super thick!

  13. silly question but when someone buys the stickers, the site creates the physical product and delivers it? or do you have to do it?

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