Jurnal Kreatif Harian dan Penyimpanan Memori | Jurnal Stalogi A5 | Jurnal bersamaku

Saya harap Anda menemukan beberapa ide dan inspirasi untuk bermain dan melakukan apa pun yang Anda suka dalam jurnal Anda! Terima kasih sudah menonton semuanya 🙂
Apakah Anda ingin tahu tentang mendukung saluran saya melalui keanggotaan $0,99/bulan?! Terima kasih!
Tautan untuk Bergabung:
Berikut adalah tautan ke item yang dapat saya temukan (Sebuah ** menunjukkan tautan afiliasi! Jika Anda ingin menggunakan tautan saya, itu memberi saya sejumlah kecil komisi yang dapat saya gunakan untuk memperbaiki saluran saya, tetapi tidak dikenakan biaya apa pun. lebih banyak waktu atau uang; Saya sangat menghargainya, terima kasih! Anda juga dapat membuka bilah pencarian terpisah dan menemukan item tanpa menggunakan tautan saya, tidak apa-apa juga :))
Seperti biasa, pastikan Anda menemukan penjual yang Anda percaya asli dan tepat waktu sebelum memesan!
** Pijat Punggung Shiatsu:
**Kotak Penyimpanan Plastik – multi-ukuran
**Stalogi Setengah Tahun A5:
**Stalogi Setahun Penuh A5:
**A5 Penutup Bening:
**Sampul Notebook Moterm B6:
Studio Stiker Bersinar:
Kode: EMILY15 (mungkin masih berfungsi dengan diskon 15%)
Toko Pena Tokyo:
**Lavender Barbie Pop it Iphone Case:
** Casing Iphone Bunga:
**Washi bunga paling cantik:
** Stiker gadis Alideco Vintage:
**Tips Super Crayola:
** Stiker Jurnal Hewan Kawaii:
** Stiker Jurnal Album Amplop:
**Crayola Colors of the World Markers:
**Buku stiker antik:
** Pena Gel Inkjoy:
** Stiker Beruang Buha Korea (juga tersedia banyak karakter lucu lainnya):
**Stiker kucing PPAPPAPPIYO:
** Stiker Gadis PPAPPAPPIYO:
**Stiker Kelinci Molang:
** Stiker Gadis Heeda:
**Buku Stiker Antiquarian:
** Stiker Konstelasi dan Zodiak:
** Stiker Sasquatch:
**Tas Tote Lily Queen:
** Notebook A5 MD mencakup:
**Set Pita Washi Galaxy Ungu:
** Bintang Jelly PVC:
**Stiker Sehari-hari (Pony Brown):
**Cara Menggambar Hampir Semuanya:
**Cara Menggambar Hampir Setiap Hari:
** Bagaimana Menggambar Hampir Setiap Hewan:
**Warna Sarasa Vintage:
**Buku Stiker Musiman Kerajinan Amerika:
** Pena Kuas Mildliner:
** Serpihan Stiker Kucing:
**Sproket HP:
**Kantung Utilitas Delfonics – Sedang:
**Tablet Stiker Kehidupan Sehari-hari Kerajinan Amerika:
**Bolpoint Uni Jetstream 0.5:
**Stiker kucing:
** Serpihan stiker Aimeo Cat:
**Stiker Babi dan Kucing:
**Set Pita Wamon Washi:
Pita Washi Nomor Maste:
Kredit Musik: Bensound
Email: emilou.arts@gmail.com
Instagram: @emilou.arts
Kotak PO:
2135 NW 108th St.
Suite #71323
Clive, IA 50325
Amerika Serikat
Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774
I’m gonna journal along with you. It’s been a rough time and got even “better” today. I’m trusting it all to God but I’m getting closer and closer to the end of my rope. I haven’t even watched your video yet but I had to go ahead and comment to say thank you. When the notification popped up that you had uploaded, you brought a much needed lift to my spirits and smoothed my brow. 30 minutes journaling “with” you is just what I need to help reset. I hope you have a good evening. 💜
That baby gerkin is adorable. He's so cute. I'm glad that Addie finally had her tooth fall out. Loved the tooth fairy note back to Addie. I'm glad that Henry's test came back negative. I hope he feels better soon. Fatty ice skating is so cute. I used it in my journal because we watched hockey on Sunday. They won also 7 to 4. Great journal session as always. Thanks for sharing with us!
😂delete, delete, delete! Loved your journaling! I hope Henry is feeling better soon!
Wait. What? Did I dream I watched this yesterday? 🧐 I mean, it’s not like I won’t watch it again. Just confused 😄
I thought I watched this yesterday too….. and I watched it again today!
Could have sworn you posted a video yesterday. Then I couldn’t find it. Oh well. It’s good you have a work friend to vet your emails to the boss BEFORE you hit send. You and Henry need to take it easy and get better. ❤️
The T.F. has forgotten my children's teeth before too!! She (they) are really overworked!! There is a book called What the Dickens, by Gregory McGuire, about tooth fairies…maybe it explains why they are so busy??
My daughters and I were discussing the Tooth Fairy and one of them piped up to quasi-complain that she had been short-changed by the TF. Why? Because she still has a baby tooth that is hanging in there because there is no adult tooth to replace it and should have – years ago. Hence, she is one TF payout short. So I contacted the TF and explained the predicament. The TF then wrote a hella snarky letter inclusive of his real personna in photographic form (complete with chomped on stogie cigar) to the offendee like one might write to the IRS over a small amount owing. Bottom line, the offendee received the letter of quasi yet affronted apology and a crisp new $10 bill – fees owing plus penalty. I hope Addie is relieved, that Henry is feeling much better, and that the nursing gods treat you MUCH BETTER super soon! Thank you for sharing with lucky us!
Bureaucracy really messes UP my love for my job too. Unfortunately instead of making things easier and safer It Just makes them 10x harder.
I've not been doing too great mentally the last couple weeks so in honor of that I'm just sending out all the positive energy I don't actually have to everyone else… lol <3