Craft Stiker Terbaik di Counter-Strike yang bisa kamu beli & Craft dengan harga murah menggunakan Operation Riptide Skins & Stickers! COMBO KERAJINAN KULIT/STIKER TERBAIK DI CSGO SEKARANG! Operasi Riptide STIKER & LAINNYA! | SHOWCASE LEGO CHANNEL: Skinport: Discord: Twitter: STEAM: Investasi CS bisa menakutkan, bergabunglah dengan diri saya sendiri sesama mando, sebagai seseorang yang telah melakukan ini selama hampir 4 tahun, saya selalu memotong waktu untuk hal-hal lucu. Bergabunglah dengan saluran ini untuk mendapatkan akses ke keuntungan: #MandalorianInvestments, riptide operasi csgo, serangan balik, investasi csgo, investasi stiker csgo, investasi operasi terbaik csgo, penjelasan csgo, sumber csgo 2, pembaruan csgo, investasi kulit bermain csgo, cara membuat uang csgo, cara untung csgo, investasi pisau terbaik csgo, skin csgo terbaik, investasi csgo terbaik, cara untung csgo, crash pasar csgo, skin csgo terbaik, investasi kasus terbaik csgo.
Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774
Froost! 🥳🎉🎊
Hey Luke, what’s the best way to sell skins for cash in a under a week above buff.163 pricing, specifically higher tier items ($1k+)?
1st to finsh vid
Just crafted a mp9 hot rod with 3 incineration sticker
Hello, i have unboxed flammable foil, what do you think i should do with it? Hold or sell and buy something else?
People will be kicking themselves in few weeks if they miss the opportunity to buy and invest in Bitcoin as it's retracing, .
Show us normal deathmatch gameplay for the backround. Watching bot shooting is not interesting to watch while listening
Hey please make a video about the stockholm patches, their prices are going up and the supply is going down, 821 contender packages left
Dude mando your mp9 is the only thing I've ever wanted but don't want to buy lmao it's so clean
I've a question does having a ESL Wolf (Foil) | Katowice 2014 sticker on an shitty 1$ m4 skin worth anything?
Nice crafts 😀
I have one Miami tier 6 on the wood of my neon rider I don't want to finish it because it looks so clean with just one idk
I actually pulled a fn whiteout eich was at that time #19 lowest float and crafted it with 4x optic 2017 for my green loadout and a few weeks after i saw u also did it ^^ such a coincidence
Its still the lowest float one with optic 2017 applied
U should try awp neo-noir with liquid fire holo on scope
Revolver Case lost 20% of supply in the last week LOL and adding to that it went up 70% over the last month. Definately best Investment for 2022 thank your for telling us about the Revolver Case Luke <3
Fronsitemisty 4x Movistar holo is so cool
I've just crafted an AK Slate with the 4 Flow holos, i've named it "Flow Slate" – Stonks
“So right off the bat coming in with a clean p2000 craft”
Me 😐
crafted radiation hazard battelskard hojo looks nice,but i need some tip fot my modern huner and p250 white out,nice crafts more of those.have a nice day
sticker prices of Riptide is going up outta nowwhere rn. Liquid Fire holo at $4 cad
battlescarred awp wildfire with 4x copenhagen flames holo looks soo good and can be made under 35 euros
what ak47 skin would you recommend me to buy I have a budget of 50 to 70
just tried this super cheap and awesome craft with Awp mortis and ence 2021 stockholm on scope, which goes for 4 cents. Looks awesome and fits so well with theme.
it's funny because there are no FN for the white out skin the lowest float is only up to 0.06 which is MW XD
Video is trash. You Cleary are as well. Killing bots really?