Cara Membuat Stiker

Cara Membuat Stiker

Pernah bertanya-tanya bagaimana cara membuat stiker kustom sendiri di rumah? Kami mengizinkan Anda menggunakan metode kami yang tidak terlalu rahasia untuk membuat stiker vinil die-cut kami yang terkenal di dunia. Dukung saluran kami dan beli stiker dan merchandise kami:

Difilmkan dan diedit oleh
Andre Santos (

Instagram Sahabatku Mahalo:
Dukung kami dengan membeli kaos, stiker & lainnya:

Didukung oleh IFHT Films:
Lihat sketsa komedi kami di saluran kami yang lain:
Instagram Film IFHT:

Paul Russell – Merek Pribadi
Junior State – Jejak Kaki
Junior State – Smoothie
Junior State – Lawl
Poin Bonus – Hanya 1

#stiker #tutorial #karantinacrafts


Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774

48 thoughts on “Cara Membuat Stiker

  1. The silhouette Cameo is much better than the Cricut, although silhouette dropped the ball with the Cameo 4; it’s even noisier than the 3 and it doesn’t cut as well as the 2 or 3. Circles come out as ovals.

  2. Love the video! My grandma gave me her older cricut that cuts vinyl. I used it to completely debrand my bike and make it 100% custom. People always ask where I got my "OZ Trail Bike" lol. Its MY Oz Trail Bike!

  3. I want to add shapes to my mountain bike, similar to the red vinyl on the trek bike in your video. I notice I can buy self adhesive vinyl, is this what you use? Would I need transfer tape? Also would I be able to cut the vinyl using a guillotine or scissors if I only need to cut shapes similar to a long rectangle. Cheers for any help

  4. honestly a shit tutorial, you go too fast in the important steps, maybe you who are used to doing these things go fast but someone like me who has already been able to open a photoshop does not know how to do everything!

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