Cara Mendesain Stiker dan Merchandise | Stiker DIY dan Tutorial RedBubble

Berbelanja melalui RedBubble:
Belanja melalui Storenvy:
Adobe Photoshop CS5:
Tablet Grafis Huion:
Kertas Stiker:
Printer: Epson Artisan 1430 (saat ini sedang dihapus oleh Epson)
Pemotong kertas:
Hai! Nama saya Amanda! Saya mengupload video baru setiap hari Senin, Rabu, & Jumat. Berlangganan & pantau terus untuk tutorial lainnya, ilustrasi selang waktu, vlog, ulasan & lainnya!!
Berlangganan untuk video mingguan✿
seni © Amanda Elise
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Ingin saya melihat karya seni Anda? Tag saya di Instagram ( dan Twitter (@sillypancake) menggunakan tagar #ArtsyFartsyFriday atau #DrawWithAmandaElise dan saya akan menyukai postingan Anda!
Kevin MacLeod: (
Dilisensikan di bawah Creative Commons: Dengan Lisensi Atribusi 3.0
Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774
Love your art! How do you scan your artwork to put it on your computer?
I’m struggling with trying to figure out how I can makes stickers a certain shape?? I don’t want all mine to be squares
Do you have to make the actual sticker that you stick on or do you just make the design and red bubble sends it to you made as a sticker?
sorry im really confused, so if you sell on red bubble, do you just like sell the design? or do you actually have to make the products and ship the products to customers? or does redbubble do that for you? please reply I really need help!!
So im really late to commenting on this video but i cant seem to find information anywhere about this.
So on printful they prefer we upload work in RGB colors.
On Redbubble do they want art in RGB colors as well or CYMK? Or does it not even matter at all?
i am super late but can u see how many people have seen ur design / sticker if so how?
thank you artiste
wait does red bubble make your shirts
This is very nice I really like how you do everything from scratch !
do you use digital pen or just the regular mouse ?
could you also use a laser printer???
Hey guys! My redbubble is simply-aly if y'll follow i'll follow back! Ty 🙂
I have a question when someone orders your stickers do you have to buy a cricket and send them out or does red bubble send them to you when someone orders them you can send it out?
I have made five stickers of my OCs and want to be the only one to own them as stickers. Does red bubble make stickers that you designed to buy? Don’t know if this makes sense I’m terrible at explaining
This vid was fine until Pride… What stupidity!
amazing contents
hope you keep update 🙂
What application you used.?
I've been wanting to start a Red Bubble account for a while now and I have tried to search up if you have to actually make the stickers by hand. I know it sounds silly but I'm new to Red Bubble and would appreciate it if you could reply! 🙂
I've made stickers from my phone and then upload it to redbubble from my computer, but my problem is is that the sticker is so small of the products (like a shirt). I just wanted to know what I'm doing wrong
Hey Amanda! Thank you for your videos they’ve been really helpful as I’ve been creating my Redbubble shop. Also, if you’ve seen Little Fires Everywhere, I’ve designed some stickers based on the show if you wouldn’t mind checking out my shop 🙂 it’s Lauren-44 thank you!!
Couldn’t you just merge layers, use color range select, select white, hit clear, then redo stroke that way you don’t have to erase everything
So should we save the only sticker with a white background like you? If saving it in transparency, world will be separated, not together. Thanks !
This was so fast I couldn't keep up. I feel old lol.
I can’t sell on Redbubble since I don’t wanna ask my mom , she might get mad so I’m not gonna ask I’m only 11 I really wanna sell stuff though..
Hey I’m a lesbian and want to buy that sticker so much but I just want to say I’m sure not everyone in the lgbtg+ Community agrees with me but I hate when people say I’m brave I didn’t get a choice to not be people shouldn’t say I’m brave for holding my girlfriends hands in public or kissing in public I just hate that I hate when people say I’m brave because it means I’m better then all the people who couldn’t do it who couldn’t live in a world where they had to be brave and people have said it to me my entire life and it’s probably just me because people always said it to me when I was a kid because of abuse people always say we are so brave and strong but when you don’t have Choice it doesn’t feel that way I want to get married and have kids I want a normal life that shouldn’t make me brave
Yo don't mind me, I'm just settled in for a binge watch sesh of your channel hehe
How cute would it be if you made a scattered pattern with the same lipsticks to put on the leggings tho
If your entire personality is social justice and race, you are a piece of shit
thanks for the video! I'm planing on making a redbubble account soon. i'm worried about having no sales though, do you have any tips?
how do you make the stkers
Your artwork is amazing!