Cara Membuat Stiker Dari Rumah // Tutorial

Berikut adalah sedikit tutorial yang menunjukkan bagaimana saya membuat stiker saya! Jika Anda ingin membeli stiker apa pun dari saya, inilah toko saya:
Temukan saya di:
•Toko saya:
• Gelembung Merah:
•TIK tok –
• Facebook:
Printer saya adalah HP Envy 7640
• Vinyl Cetak Cricut:
• Lampu saya:
*catatan: ini adalah tautan afiliasi amazon, artinya saya akan menerima komisi kecil dari amazon untuk setiap produk yang dibeli (tanpa biaya tambahan dari Anda)
“Kawai Kitsune”
Kevin MacLeod (
Dilisensikan di bawah Creative Commons: Dengan Atribusi 3.0
Kevin MacLeod (
Dilisensikan di bawah Creative Commons: Dengan Atribusi 3.0
Air Hockey Saloon oleh Chris Zabriskie berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (
Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774
Please can you make a video on how to open online shop?
I beg of you
You are so talented!!!!you inspire me to make my own business
You are so talented!!!! You inspire me to make my own business!!!!
Ok so will it work if I just draw on paper then put it in the printer and print it out?? Just wanna know bc I have to do it at my grandmas 😂😭😂
Do you still use this printer?
Just wanted to say I love your videos and your art, every time I see it it makes me happy to see the little critters you are bringing to life. 🙂
I know this is an old upload but where did you find the small paper cutter that is shown about 8 mins in? Is it a good quality that doesn't break and can cut a stack of paper precisely?
Thank you so much for this video. Great explanation and tips!
I want to make some to full a box of gifts I'm making for my friends.
Thank you this helped out alot tyty
Thanks so much this was really helpful.
i used this to add stickers to my guitar the process was really easy.
This was very helpful thank you
Thank you so much for sharing!!! It doesn't seem as dauting to make my own stickers now 🙂
This was made three years ago
Can we use normal sticker paper
i don't care if i have a problem with subscribing to so many people my computer lags. I WILL SUBSCRIBE. I CAN'T NOT- YOU'RE SO TALENTED!!
was i the only one who thought that we just need to draw it and its done !
What did you use to make the "banners'" or "headers" because I'm trying to make some of my own. I also would love to know how you changed things from pixels to inches in you photoshop as well as how you measured them out because I see in the video that the sizes it shows are actually smaller than what you said the sizes were supposed to be? Or am I misunderstanding what I see?
Nice good, a great explanation indeed. Keep up the good work and I pray you go far in your small business. This video sure helped me in my search for a niche. Thank you
I want to learn how to make stickers for my business
Hi Friend – Thank you so much for this tutorial, but I got to be honest I do a lot of cutting by hand like how you showed in the video & let me just say TOOLS MATTER. Your hands hurt because of the strenuous work you're doing, yes, BUT trust me when I say if you invested in better scizzors that are ergonomically better for your situation, your production would move forward a lot faster and your hands would cramp way less.
Anyways, sending love & creativity more your way 🙂
I wan the backpack animal stickers 🥺❤️
Does it matter what kind of printer you use? As long as you have colored ink and the paper you mentioned it should work, right?
Thank you for the informative video. But you never mentioned it in the video (or if you did, I missed it and I apologize), how do you make the papers sticky and be able to actually stick? Does the paper you use come with a film and the glue on it already? Or is there another process there?