Cara Membuat Stiker Foil yang *sempurna* // Sticker Guru

Dapatkan PANDUAN FOILING Anda di sini (+tips bonus!):
– Kertas Stiker Glossy Clear:
– pencetak laser HP:
– Potret Siluet:
– Matras Pemotongan Penyembuhan Diri:
– Pisau Putar:
– Laminator Termal Tamerica:
– Laminator yang lebih terjangkau dari Tamerica:
– Minc:
– Laminator Termal Amazon Basics:
– Stok Kartu:
– Merek foil yang telah kami gunakan secara pribadi sebelumnya! Mereka memiliki banyak pilihan foil:
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Video ini TIDAK disponsori. Tautan Amazon adalah afiliasi. Terima kasih telah mendukung channel ini, dan membantu kami terus membuat konten untuk Anda. Lisa & Lucy
Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774
This video is so helpful and we can really see how much hard work it is to make stickers . Thanks for sharing . please do the foiled kit one aswell .
Muy claro, gracias por la explicación, por favor podrías poner el nombre de las otras marcas de foil
Awww thank you so much…. Can't wait for future videos….
Thank you so much for sharing this! I was wondering, how is it possible for you silhouette to scan the marks on the clear paper? With my silhouette it doesn’t work! I always have to make little corners with white sticker paper so my machine can scan them. 💕
While I appreciate the time it took to put this video together the brand of foil you use is a MASSIVE element of how successful your foiling is. It’s a bit like making a video on how to make the best roast potatoes and then not sharing the type of potatoes you use. 🤷🏻♀️
Hi, what vinyl cutter did you use and did you have to print via vinyl cutter software as "print to cut" ? Everything else you showed were simple and crystal clear. Thanks.
Does the way you store the foil matter? I was putting a rubber band around mine but then realized maybe I shouldn’t do that
What are some of the foil makers that you recommend?
When I foil, I still get speckles in the foil. I have put a new toner in the laser printer. Do you have any ideas?
Thank you so much for all the great tips and sharing how you foil your stickers! I found this video so helpful for making stickers for personal use. I would love to see how you foil your kits and any other “how to” videos!
Thank you so much for sharing this! I foil some for the fun of it but still purchase from shops. I have your monthly sub box too! After I started doing a bit of foiling, I was so appreciative of shops that offer foiled kits and stickers.
Are you using the high density toner?
Omg please share your tips for foiling kits ya girl over here is struggling so much lol I have one foiled kit I offer now and it took me forever to do hahah
Did I see Neenah Paper?! That's made near me 😁
Thanks Guru . Perfect name match
For the foil from binding101 would you recommend setting it on 120 still?
Thank you so much, it helped A LOT! Now I need to discover how to configurate my laser printer 🥲 hahaha thanks again!!
Thank you SO much for putting this together! And yes I would love to see your foiling technique for your kits. Thank you thank you thank you!
Thanks this is amazing I appreciate it
Thank you for this video. I really wanted to foil my candle labels. And this video is very helpful.
Thanks a lot! I’ve done stickers like this in the past but the foil came off when I scratched them. Does this happen with this paper/foil?
where did you get your designs again? I couldn't understand what you were saying
I am in the market for a laser printer and just curious if the one you posted in the links only prints black and white? I’m new to the whole laser printer concept and want to be able to use it for waterslide as well.
I love your works, i am just confused because of thinking, are they been kiss cut individually or they are all together?. Sorry just curious.
I love it, Can i get that PDF please,, Thanks
Hello, I'm trying the same way, but it's flawed. What is the reason?
Everyone always says online labels for clear. Cries in Canadian.
do you know how to remove the silver foil and turn some of it see through?
Laminated foiling rubs off easily?
Can you share your trade secret about foil in bulk? I promise i wont tell!
What is the estimated duration of the Gold foil please
I don’t know if this will be seen, but I’ve been trying to make clear foil stickers with a laminator but every time the foil covers the entire sticker not just the places where there’s toner. I’ve tried two types of sticker paper, one which seemed to be recommended across the board for this (online labels brand) and both times I’ve had the same experience, am I doing something wrong? 😅
No your toner does not last literally forever it lasts figuratively forever. It's not that difficult of a distinction.
can we use any software to print for foiling? Ex; photoshop, illustrater, word or cricut design
Hello, beautiful, a question, when u cut first the stickers don’t get imperfections because of the dust of the paper? That happened to me
Can I use a heat press used for t-shirts instead of a laminator? Just put it on low setting….Or would it be too hot?
This was a fantastic video
I stopped at trade secret. Lol wish I could take my half view back.
Thanks for this video, it helpful, but i have issues when with Result, so my words not covered all with foil, still i have like a black dots.😞😞😞😞
I tried many different way, but I don’t know what i do. Please please I would appreciate if you answer me . Thanks so much
What cutting machine do you recommend for personal use? Looking to buy on either the new year. For stickers and vinyls
Where from i can get the foil roll
So I need a foil machine???
Nice!!!! 😊😊👌👌🎊🎉
Does it have to be a laser printer 😭😭😭
Cricut .?
Do you ever find that the foil scratches off?
Thank you for sharing! I just purchased a laser printer, MINC and a cameo to make stickers for myself and my daughters. I would love to know how you foil/design your kits!
WHY DID I THINK THIS WAS SO MUCH HARDER THAN IT IS!? THANK YOU!! About to do my first set of foiling!