cara membuat stiker pita | Indonesia

aplikasi yang saya gunakan : ibis paint x
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#howtomakeribbonsticker #ribbonsticker
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Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774
Yash sistah is comeback💗💗💗
Thank u so much 💞
You can give me inspiration for next video. Sorry for my broken english
Thank you for tutorial:))
Hi , what is the name of the brush ? :c
so very very gooddd
Gracias por enseñar cómo lo haces ♡♡♡♡
Hey ! How are you ? 💙
✨Which app is this ?
I love your video 💕
App: Ibis paint x
thank you for the tutorial 💗💗
I can't find kaligrafi why
Thank you! 🙂