Cara membuat garis potong kontur untuk stiker di Adobe Illustrator

Cara membuat garis potong kontur untuk stiker di Adobe Illustrator

Pelajari cara menambahkan spasi ekstra (garis potong kontur) di sekitar desain stiker Anda dalam tutorial Adobe Illustrator ini! Bergabunglah dengan Grup Facebook Illustrator kami: Pelajari Illustrator + desain ikon untuk pemula di Skillshare: Penyiapan rekaman saya: Pencahayaan: Woods Clamp lighting (saya menggunakan 2 di antaranya) Kamera: Canon T5 – Ini yang saya gunakan, tetapi mungkin ini adalah kesepakatan yang lebih baik untuk dapatkan model yang lebih baru: Canon T6 – Mikrofon: Mikrofon kerah Boya (ketika saya berbicara dengan kamera) – dan mikrofon Blue Snowball (pada video tangkapan layar) – Perangkat lunak perekaman: Perangkat lunak Pengeditan Quicktime: Adobe Premiere Pro dan Adobe After Effects Jika Anda tertarik dengan topik video desain grafis lainnya, lihat beberapa di antaranya: Fontself: Cara membuat font di ponsel dan web dengan Fontself Maker – PENGHASILAN PASIF Kelas Skillshare Baru: Cara Menjual Stok Foto dan Vektor di Shutterstock: Cara menjual kaos online gratis dengan Redbubble dan Tee: Cara Membuka Toko DesignBundles untuk Menjual File Digital: ILUSTRATOR Cara Membuat Teks Berisi Garis – Efek Teks Goresan – di Adobe Illustrator: Cara membungkus atau melengkungkan teks Anda menjadi lingkaran di Adobe Illustrator : Ho w Menggunakan Width Tool di Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 untuk Pemula – Cara Menggunakan Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, dan Ellipse Tools di Adobe Illustrator 2018 –
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Mudah-mudahan video diatas bisa menambah ide dan tambahan kreativitas. Jika mau cetak stiker online silahkan kontak tim percetakan stiker online. Bisa datang langsung ke percetakan atau bisa order online via Whatsapp +6281214165774

25 thoughts on “Cara membuat garis potong kontur untuk stiker di Adobe Illustrator

  1. I love your videos and I always learn something new.

    I learned to create these using offset path. Is that wrong or in some way shorting the process? Does it do the same thing?

  2. This video is EXACTLY what I was searching and searching and searching for! Thanks so much!

  3. Thank you so much Ann. I just created an image and i need a white outline behind it so i'll be watching your video a few times until i get the hang of it.

  4. nothing! it worked for some files but now it stopped doing it, after I group and expand and unite, it doesn't show me Stroke and Fill anymore :'( what do I do?

  5. Oh my goodness I have watch multiple videos on AI this was amazing thank you so much!!!!

  6. Excellent! I'm so happy to find this, Anne! How about considering a full Skillshare sticker class? <3

  7. Thank you πŸ™πŸΎπŸ–ŒοΈ for sharing. This is the best tutorial. I am so grateful and appreciate you. Subscribing.

  8. How do I deal with more than one CutContour line? I print and cut my art work. Weed the vinyl. Laminate the art work then put the vinyl back in the cutter. I want to cut the lamination, lets say .125 beyond the original artwork. I can't turn layers on and off in Versaworks. I don't want to do a PerfCutContour. Ideas?

  9. Thank you so much for taking the time to watch! If you'd like to take one of my classes, you can get a FREE 2-week Skillshare premium membership – (it also helps to support the channel):

  10. i will cry now. i am doing the last part but it doesnot work. i hold shift and deselect the outermost outline but not selected all. i was trying that for font. pls help me…

  11. Perfect timing! I need to create an outline for an image to be turned into a vinyl sticker and this is exactly what I needed to see. Thank you for sharing!

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